STORY Donkey Riders
All Praise To Allah the Most Compassionate and All-Merciful.Hopefully Shalawat and greetings remain devoted to the Prophet Muhammad and his family, his friends and his community of faithful to the teachings he brought to the end zamman. Amma ba'd.
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal rahimahullah ta'ala has declared that, "Finding human blessings is a peak that will never be achieved". These words are brief but profound and meaningful. The point is, if we do something about it or talk about something, surely will never be whole human beings may by acclamation (compact) states agree with what we talked about or what we do, even though it was good though.
This discussion is concerned with the leaders one of whose tasks is to provide decision , Then leaders be firm against the decisions we make.Not only for the leaders, but we as an ummah who commanded to preach, which is very likely to opinion about something, then we must also dare to say it that Good is good and the bad is bad , As theMessenger of Allaah be upon him blessings and peace, "Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, then let him say good or quiet ..."(Muttafaq 'alaih).
If in deciding cases or in the opinion , we seek approval human/organizational members the totality , Then we will never be able to give a decision or opinion except very rarely we meet . Messenger of Allaah be upon him blessings and opposed any opinion , When he Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam is the prophet and messenger, his words must be right and good , What hope do we ordinary people must have been a lot of conflict between our opinion even though it refers to the Qur'an and Sunnah and his companions thought that way of thinking though . So this is where it holds the principle in life, so as Muslims we should really stick to the Qur'an and Sunnah based on what he has exemplified his companions and righteous people past or at present even though the consequence is' like holding embers '.
there an interesting story that is very beautiful, the story of those who passed and conveyed in a row. Only Allah the Most Knowing, is this a true story or just metaphorically (fairy tale) alone, but this story gives a meaning that can be drawn red thread and used as a lesson for us all.
Donkey Rider story:
There is a father and his son were traveling much with a mule. He passed from village to village, ridge after ridge he passed and he singgahi region by region.
Because the donkey that they have only one, so they decided to ride alternately. After several days of travel, they finally see there is a settlement inhabited by many residents and they plan to stop at that place.With a full sense of confidence that they will enter the village with a convenient, when it is riding a donkey is the father and son who took his donkey. When stopped at a village, how they like disambergris lightning, it turns out many people who menggunjingnya village, and some even advise him directly, "You are a father who could equal her, cook her son were told to walk while you take it easy sitting on a donkey?". Hearing of this criticism was the father they said yes.
They also said goodbye to leave the village to continue the journey, according to the opinion of the villagers that they singgahi before, finally above her ass with his father who continues to walk away, they also see the next village. How shocked they were, when they stop in the township that they also received sharp criticism incredible, "Is your child's disrespectful! You cook a father told to walk up the ass while your child. Educate your child kesopan compensation on! ". Hearing of this criticism, his father also confirmed their return.
Eventually they too will leave the village to continue their journey. They both get the initiative to ride the donkey. The trip was up to the next village and he stopped in the township, it surprised them, when they also get criticism that is no less sharp with the previous. Villagers said, "How cruel you are, cook small and skinny ass like that you ride both?!". The father had agreed to them.
They also will say goodbye to go to the next walked on. They have the initiative to guide only donkey that, while they both walk away. When they entered the next village, they were surprised. Apparently they still get criticism that is not less great, while they want all those who stopped at the place he praised or at least receive initiative them. Township resident, said, "You guys are doing things in vain, you have a donkey you can ride. Cook while you walk the donkey did not bring charges unless the goods you have?! ". The father had agreed to them.
Thought the father is not known anymore, every corner of the village and township there is always blaming their opinions. While the child is quiet and dare not speak. Finally they said goodbye to continue the journey, his father got the initiative, what if the donkey is borne alone, while we memanggulnya. Eventually they arrived at a settlement, of course, the village people were amazed and laughing, they finally asked, "What you laughing?", Villagers said, "You are still healthy are you? Not crazy? Cook shafar and you do have a donkey, but you guys are even bear it? ". How confused the father of this.
Well from this short story, what's really unthinkable Readers? And what is the solution? Please answer in your own self ...
Good thinking and hopefully this story can enlighten
Alhamdulillah Hamdan katsiro mubarokan fih, Allahumma Shali 'ala Muhammadin wa' ala alihi sahabihi wa wa minal ummatihi yaumil akhirin .
Malang, 22 Dhu al-Hijjah 1431 / 28 November 2010
1. Ibn Al-'Ied Daqiq. Syarah Hadith Arba'in Imam Nawawi . 2001. Media Hidayah: Yogyakarta.
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