Kamis, 25 November 2010

A magician STORY

A magician STORY

All Praise To Allah Ta'ala. May the blessings and greetings remain devoted to the Prophet Muhammad and the family and the companions of the Prophet Muhammad and his community who faithfully follow the Sunnah until the end of period. Amma ba'd.

Allah says in the Qur'an, "And they follow what is being read by the devils in the kingdom of Solomon (and they say that Solomon was doing magic), but Solomon did not disbelieve (do not do magic), only the devils was the infidel (do magic). They teach magic to humans and what is sent down to two people in the country of Babil  Harut and Marut, are they not teach (something) to the one before saying: 'We were only a trial (for you), so you aren't disbeliving. "So they learn from both what was with the angel magic, they can divorce between a (husband) with his wife. And they were (sorcerer) did not give any harm with his magic to the man, except with the permission of Allah. And they learn something that does not give any harm to him and not give benefits. Sure, they actually have to believe that those who trade it (the book of Allah) with that magic, there is no advantage for him in the afterlife, and most wicked deeds they sell themselves with magic, if they but knew" (Al-Baqarah: 102).

Imam Muslim narrated  in his real book through hadith Al-A'Masy from Abu Sufyan Talhah ibn Nafi 'from Jabir ibn Abdullah radiyallahu 'anhu that the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam, that the Prophet of Allah Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam once said, "Verily Satan is put throne on the water, then he sent his army to mankind, then the greatest evil mankind his temptation will get the closest position on the side of Satan. One of them came and said, 'I'm constantly teased So and so, until when I left he said this and that'. He said, 'By Allah, you still have not done anything (yet successful)'. Then came again the other and said, 'I did not move from it until I can separate between a person with his wife'. So the devil gave him a high position and close to her and always with him, saying, 'You're right'.

Verse or hadith that long to tell how dangerous witchcraft. Witchcraft really exists and has the nature (reality) that can harm humans. But the magic does not provide a hazard to humans at all if God did not want it. Here's the bottom line and is the foundation of belief or faith, then Islamic law is a complete Shari'a which has set up all sides of human life and the law should be enforced to ensure the welfare of mankind and their lives. Included also how Islam gave a hard surprise for the witches and those who practice witchcraft that.

This article does not discuss the nature of witchcraft, sorcerers status, and anything related to it in detail, because it has been discussed by the scholars. Ibn Kathir Rahimahullah Ta'ala also been discussed at length in his commentary the book either a full commentary and summary. However, this article will describe a short story that contains elements of learning and knowledge to readers about how Islam treats one of the witches and sorcerers that nature.

Ibn Kathir and the scholars Ahlu as-sunnah (hadith expert) stated that this form of magic is mixed. In his commentary, he rahimahullah quoting from Abdullah al-Razi 'that kind of magic that there are eight types. This article does not explain about the types of magic, to know more can refer to the book "Tafsir Ibn Kathir Volume I (translation) by the publisher of Imam Syafi'ie (Tafseer Ibn Katheer compact that corrected by DR. Abddullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abdurrahman Ibn Ishaq Alu Shaikh) "or can also refer to the book" Tafseer Ibn Katheer Juz I Publisher Sinar Baru Algesindo (translation complete of Tafseer Ibn Kathir). Abdullah al-Razi '(who quoted Ibn Kathir Rahimahullah) states that among the eight kinds of magic, one of which is a trick and the magic eye, basically is that the eye can be swindled because it focused on specific objects without regard to others, then he admitted have supernatural powers because of study a science of this and that. Or he pretended claim to have miracle from God, whatever that stuff when he did magic of science, which thus it is considered witchcraft. This kind of witchcraft, including categories of knowledge that has an element of the game lies, in contrast to other types of witchcraft.

Having authentic narration quoted from various sources and has written in his commentary, that the Caliph Omar Ibn Khaththab radiyallahu 'anhu had ordered the governor to put to death every witch, male or female. Then they were put to death three witches (Narrated by Imam As-Shafi'i and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal, they never told that Sufyan Ibn Uyainah never told them, from Amr ibn Dinar from Ibn Bajalah 'Abdah. Imam Bukhari also narrated in his real books).

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal Rahimahullahsay, in atsar valid of the three companions of the Prophet of
Muhammad Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam said that a witch put to death. Imam Turmudz iRahimahullah hadith narrated by Muslim from Ibn Ismail al-Hasan from al-Azdi Jundub radiyallahu'anhu relates that the Messenger of Allah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam once said: "Had (capital punishment) for the witch is cut down his neck with a sword."
Jundub radiyallahu'anhu very strong in hadith uphold it, as well as your friends and also Ummar Ibn Khaththab and Umm Hafsah radhiyallahu'anhuma. All agreed a witch of any kind was put to death (all of unlawful practice of sorcery. But if studying it, then there are the legal details that must be investigated again. For more details see the books that have been referred to and ask the clericAhl as-Sunnah who follow manhaj Salaful Ummah).

So there are interesting stories done by a friend Jundub radiyallahu 'anhu in holding fast to the teachings of the Messenger of Allah Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam, the best teacher and role model of the Muslims (This article was quoting from a story written by Ibn Kathir. Ibn Kathir Rahimahullah not write the history of the perpetrator, but in the book written another culprit, namely Friends of Jundub radiyallahu 'anhu).

The Story (Narrated by Ibn Kathir Rahimahullah Ta'ala in his commentary):
It has been narrated through various channels  that Al-Walid Ibn Uqbah never had a witch to play in front of her attractions (which is meant is a magician.) The game featured magic it is that he cut someone's neck. Then the magician that brings people be cut down head screaming, after which it returns the head of the person who be cuted as before. So people say, "Glory to God Turning back the people who die!".

The incident was seen by a man who piety (Jundub radiyallahu 'anhu. ed) from among the People immigrants.The next day he came to bear his sword, while the magician was toying with his game as usual. Then the male immigrants were pull out his sword and be cute down directly into the neck of the magician as he then said to the audience, "If only he was right, surely he can turn on itself." Then he read the Word of God Almighty "So if you receive a magic that, when you see it?"(Al-Anbiya: 3). Then Companions Jundub radiyallahu 'anhu was imprisoned for some time and then released again.

Of course, the magician will never be able to turn on himself, he was dead and unable to do anything. Had a friend who was beheaded by Jundub radi 'anhu is Al-Walid Ibn Uqbah own, of course it was a magician will never can be revived. Because the magician is still a magician and not a single creature that could turn what is already dead except the Creator Beings, then few creatures that God has indeed been permitted, one of which is the Prophet Isa 'alaihisallamangels whom He sent as well as Al-Masiihud Dajjal (refer to the Book of Hadith about melee Doomsday, Book by Ibn Qoyyim and others). In addition, and besides that there is no statement in the Qur'an and Sunnah, it is just nonsense, sheer deception and delusion.

Witchcraft really exists, but he will never be able to provide benefits (one of them turn that off). If he can turn that off or to restore the broken head to the body or the other, so he became a person who can bring people who are sentenced to death in custody or even people he can turn in his grave and it is impossible.

So be careful in dealing with this science, follow the Qur'an andAs-Sunnah in a correct and understand it, leave the practice and his experience. And most importantly, follow the scholars who actually follow manhaj (path) of the Salaful Ummah to the Messenger of Allah upon him blessings. Especially the end of the era that has now emerged a variety of great and terrible slander and will grow formidable to Al-Mashihud Dajjal will be slain by the servants of God while the people of Prophet Salih Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam, which is Isa 'Alaihisallam (on the way down again, Isa Alaihisallam not as a prophet, but as a servant of God and Ummah of Prphet Muhammad  Shallahahu 'alaihi wasallam). So let us hold fast to the heritage of God, namely the Qur'an and Sunnah that we all avoid the slander of Satan, Al-MasiihudDajjal and his army. May we be given goodness in our lives and be killed by Him in Husnul Khotimah. Amen.

Alhamdulillah hamdan katsiro mubarokan fih, Allahumma Shali 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa sahabihi wa ummatihi mina yaumil akhirin.

19 Dzulhijjah 1431 / 25 November 2010


1. Al-Qur’an.
2. Al-Imam Ibnu Katsir Ad-dimasyqi. 2007. Tafsir Ibnu Katsir. Algesindo: Bandung.
3. _____. Ditahqiq oleh DR. Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn abdurrahman Ibn Ishaq Alu Syaikh. 2008.Tafsir Ibnu katsi. (Ringkasan). Pustaka Imam Syafi’ie: Jakarta.
4. Yusuf bin Abdillah bin Yusuf al-Wabil. 2006. Huru-Hara Akhir Zaman. Pustaka Ibnu Katsir: Bogor.
5. Kajian Mulazammah Ikhwan Hari Senin pada Bulan Oktober 2010

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