Alhamdulillah Ashalatu Sallamu Wa 'ala Rasulillah Shalallahu' alaihi wa 'ala wa alihi sahabihi ajma'in. Amma ba'd.
All Praise To God who made us can meet again with the Moon Dzulhijjah, the month of Hajj is full of blessings and reward. Most Muslims perform the pilgrimage in the holy land and most of them carry out the command to sacrifice in their homeland.
In Indonesia a phenomenal difference in timing is already a common, standard-setting state is a democratic form of forced. But, however we remain based with Ulil Amri (The Leader) for business the ummah and compactness, and the Shari'a based regardless ulil amri (The Leader) when dealing with the affairs of violate them. Myself for Idhul Adha this year, believes falls on Tuesday November 16, 2010, but the prayer on November 17, 2010. May Allah forgive and be understanding of them, because He is All-Knowing.
Apart from the problem of difference Idhul Adha prayer time, I'd love to pick excerpts from speeches delivered by preacher on My prayer this time. I forgot what his name, but very beautiful and the good talk, so that we can make self introspection to face the conditions and situations in the future. The talk was revolved around, "LEADERS ARE DEDICATED TO CONSULT ON THE STORY OF PROPHET IBRAHIM 'ALAIHISALLAM".
Faced with the phenomenal events in Indonesia, which form a very powerful natural disasters and struck Indonesia this beloved country, ranging from Wasior in Papua, the first wave of eruption of Merapi in Yogyakarta and Magelang, Tsunamis in the Mentawai, until the eruption of Merapi Wave II, which never subsided until now . Plus the thorny problems that others in the field of Poleksosbudhankam and the refugee problem still not finished. Lumpur Lapindo also continue endlessly overflowing, and the various disasters that may not be uploaded in the media.
Preacher said that, it is indeed we recognize that what happened is a test at the same time warning of Allah the Most Gentle on us. Real gentle warning, if we compare with the power of God and The Powerfull of God over all things. When God willed to make warnings more powerful than that, then he really can do it. Preacher admitted that what we've been living now is one of us who do not want to comply with His orders and did not want His rules. Though the rules were already referring to the nature and balance of the universe. So we profer refer back to the patience and skill of the Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihisallam as a leader figure who is very obedient to Allaah. Allah said in Surat As-Shafat: 102 (which means) "And when the child until (at the age could) tried with him, Ibrahim said: 'O my son! I saw in a dream that I sacrifice. Think back to what do you think! ' He replied: 'O my father, do what is commanded thee; God willing you will find me among those who wait'. " The story of patience an Apostle and leader of the household, when she did not get the kids in his youth, then he prayed and prayed to God. Then a new God bestows his son when in old age. When the child has reached age described by God, God tested Abraham with a severe test. He is dreaming, dreaming and dreaming with the exact same dream every night, when the prayers of protection he had prayed.Finally, rest assured, that this is a command. Then the execution was carried out.
The second lesson is, how the son named Ismail Alaihisallam receive God's command presented him with great patience. The speech was enshrined into the verses of the book of the noble Al-Qur'anul Karim... "Hi My father, do what is commanded to you, God willing, you will find me among those who steadfastly persevere." How wonderful his boy answers, but he was not told to buy something, not told to go to a place, but the order was more frightening rather than the commands that have been written. The command is kill it, why the child does not think her father mad? because the children really understand if the father is a person who truly fear Allah, looking from his faith, pieting, kindness, honesty and maturity. How could anyone as good as Abraham Alaihisallam lie and kill his son if it was not the commandments of God Almighty? This makes sure her son.They both (child and father) also believe that God commands is good command and it did not have an element of inclemency. What was ruled certainly contain secrets that were stored behind the shed a million pearls and diamonds are very beautiful. This extraordinary education conducted by the Father of Tauhid (the people who teach of the tauhid lesson), that is a strong belief in education to the oneness of God. The preacher then stated that, if the next young generation wants tougher then that should be considered is the light of monotheism. Not only rely on mere material, mere intelligence, hard skills or test scores in school or on campus alone, more than that Soft Skill religiosity and mental health in particular should be developed in a way that properly and earnestly.
The All-True God of All His Word, then Ismail Alaihisallam just as Abraham Alaihisallam test equipment, whether he is really sincere in faith and his piety? Children who had been loved, whether able to forget Abraham on God Almighty? And in fact, Abraham Alaihisallam pass the exam with a very, very satisfactory value. Perhaps people will never know what is the value, 60? 70? 80? 90?or 100? moderate, good, very good, cum laude, summa cum laude or even? of course this is not a test of a very limited sphere of human knowledge, this high level exams and only special people are able to do so. To reach that level, need to exercise and continuously pray and get closer to God (this form of human endeavor and prayer, then Hidaya in the hands of God.)
Then, pracher also explain about how the figure of the leader of the ummah as the Prophet Ibrahim able to socialize well with people. It is reported that the Prophet Ibrahim when he should eat together human. If not found, he will be out looking for people who want to be invited to eat with him. People like what to look for him? if that helps his leadership career? whether humans who only want to support his opinion? no! every human being in need of food and need a splash of water sciences. He ate with people, instead of just eating foods that are filling the stomach, but eating foods that are soothing. Already full stomach, liver roomy. Subhanallah. Figure like this is currently needed by our nation, people who care about his fraternal, not who wants to own and with its own interests.He sacrificed if there is interest and he did something when there is expected.
Next preacher warned that this time the toughest test of man is the material world. Treasure, throne, and Woman, three clung toughest test of Adam's children today. Maybe when he was still poor simple and generous, she is studying towards his fraternal syar'i he remembers. When God makes it easier to find rizki, then he began to be worth little by little, long into the hills. The wealth that many began to made him forget himself, he felt that his wealth outcome own sweat juice. He forgot the God Almighty who gave rizki at the same time not forget to test it for yourself. The property continues to he stored, not satisfy it for long. He saw that when he rose in rank and position, of course it will be more and more wealth and abundance. With his wealth and then he did everything possible to climb the throne of office, ultimately by the will of God take it. Having come to the throne, he was not satisfied and he took advantage of all the office facilities to achieve greater throne than that. He utilized the women to support him, not only that he began to lust intoxicated by romance. The women make a lot of teasing and a lot of lost sense.This is partly a phenomenon that is currently happening. As the Messenger of Allaah upon him blessings and said that the children of Adam it will never be satisfied, if he had had two golden mountain then he still asks the third. Masya Allah.
So the slaughter command events that will be done Prophet Abraham of his son Ishmael, meaning that human beings are required by God to slaughter animalistic traits that dominate us. The properties it is selfishness, their own wishes, greedy and most dangerous is the nature of the loss of the human mind so that he could get into the realm of shirk and do not believe in the Creator. Is not Allah says in the verses of the Qur'an with a sentence that is long enough that people who do not want to use the facilities provided by God for the good and fit His command like cattle and further astray again, this is the word of God, "And verily We made for the ( Fire contents) most of the jinn and humans, they have hearts, but not used to understand (the verses of Allah) and they have eyes (but) not used to see (signs of God), and they have the ear (but ) not used to hear (the verses of Allah).They are as cattle, nay they are worse. They are the ones who are negligent "(Al-raf: 179). The slaughter of the order of events for Ismail is a symbol that is not only a mere philosophical meaning, but more than that, the social significance and meaning of education is embedded in the teachings laws. The Glory of God on His counsel and his decision, he is clever and knows, and it is wisdom in every decision: and business.
Finally, let us offer hope and pray to God I hope we are given the power tuk hold of this life and closed istikomah Husnul Khotimah our age. Akhirul Kalam, Alhamdulillah Hamdan Katsiro Mubarokan fih, Allahumma Shali 'ala Muhammadin wa' ala alihi wa sahabihi ajma'in.
Reference From: Talk Idhul Adha Sermon 'at leisure Al-Falah Mosque (Jalan Bandung) Malang:, Who has sampled and edited
Malang, 11 Dzulhijjah 1431 / 17 November 2010
@ Nd.
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