Living With the Joy of Role Model
Teks Asli : Istamti’ bi hayatika
Penerbit : Pustaka Yassir Surabaya
Cetakan Tahun : 2008
Tebal Buku : 516 Halaman
All of Praise For the Lord God of Hosts and the All-leafed Invert Human Heart. Hopefully blessing and salvation are poured on the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu 'alaihi wa' ala alihi wa sahabihi wa ummatihi ajma'in. Amma ba'd
All living things in this world must have experienced and continue to experience problems until the soul has been ripped from their bodies. Neither man has been created as a test material in carrying out his mission in life as a servant of God has ever expressed by all human beings at the time of eternal earlier.Creatures that were given by God's passion, intellect and heart is with the nerve to accept the offer of a very serious and urgent concern, that affairs in running the Shari'a. As God said, " Verily, We have proposed a mandate to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, then it is reluctant to bear the mandate, and they feared would betray him, and carried mandate that by humans. Behold, the man is very unjust and very ignorant"(Al-Ahzab: 72).
But the fate of God will never can be challenged, the past will never be blamed, which happened has happened and will never be erased from the record. That is human and that's exactly what destined with Him, then all of us bear the risks that inevitably we must bear in life in the world, which is run His Sharia with great devotion among the exams that will be given. Allah says, "And indeed We shall give unto temptation, with a bit of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who wait"(Al-Baqarah: 155). God's exam is to know which of the men who do the most good deeds as said, "Glory to God in the hands of Him all the kingdoms, and He has power over all things, What makes the dead and alive, that He may test you, who among you a better charity. And He is Mighty, the Forgiving"(Al-Mulk: 1-2).
"Allah does not burden a person but according to his capacity. He received the reward (of virtue) is earned and he got a punishment (of crime) is doing ...". This is the promise of God who has said in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 286. So people of faith is necessary for a spirit in their life and enjoying their life in accordance with how the Qur'an and Sunnah, and manage them, so that life seemed quiet and peaceful.
Shocks for the sake of shock problems always happen to humans, only individuals of different forms. All humans, regardless of faith or not will feel it. So, a lot of motivational books that are made by humans as a means to reference one another in order to alleviate the psychological burden for them. Not infrequently, those who do not believe and did not have a handle part in a motivational books that are very beautiful. Cleverness of crafting words, they are unique in conveying a sense of empathy and love and their appreciation of the life of the world to increase revenues and pocket them by selling motivational books expected much demand. Unfortunately thousand unfortunately, they are only capable of making the motivations that are materialistic, while, not essential and only give priority to what is real in the world, regardless of the nature of the life of this world. As a result, when the lost what they see, what disappears when they are feeling, and when destroyed what they expect, hope and prosperity was interrupted again and will never be back in their lives.
Dale Carnegie, is an example of a world renowned motivator. Her writings are very meaningful and very touching, even her books is the best seller that became a reference expert psychological world.However, what Carnegie referral basis if not the world alone? What is the basis to write her book if it is not based on a pseudo-coolness? And what substance he wrote when he was only concerned with love and prosperity in life but do not know what the purpose and essence of love? Yes, finally she committed suicide. Na'udzubillah
Muslims who are a people who glorified God who had a strong grip and an essential form of the Qur'an and Sunnah, is necessary for referring to both. The scholars and experts taskiyatun Nufus(liver conditioning) has written several articles which are very soothing and refreshing the heart. The books that refer to the Qur'an and Sunnah is an important motivation to refresh the thirsty man's heart. Al-Qur'an and Sunnah that was never wrong, who knows human nature and who know the ropes. Because derived directly by the Creator through His messenger that glorified. Allah, He is God Who Has No Allies and the All-Knowing of all formulations of human life, ranging from rough physical until a soft heart. So if the books were written by human motivation without reference to both, then only based on the passions that can die or knowledge which is narrow and the ideas of a low sense of true human nature.
A cleric named DR. Muhammad ibn Abdurrahman al-Arifi hafidzhahullah ta'ala, he is known for expert Taskiyatun Nufus has lots to learn how to motivate yourself and others. At the age of 16 years he has been reading a book called "The Art of Mingling with Others" by the Carnegie, he said it was amazing.He read again and again and recommend to others to refer to the book. Carnegie provide examples of successful people such as Lincoln, Roosevelt, Joseph, also the inventors like Thomas Edison and Einstein. But what happens at the end of Dale Carnegie's life is a factor that makes admiration landslide came down drastically. He then think again, what is wrong with it.
Exactly what the scholars said the Salaf ash-Salih (The scholars predecessor) said, "Don't you live like a candle, it can illuminate the surroundings, but itself burned." Then DR. Abdurrahman continue to look for who is appropriate as a model of self-motivation? Search long enough and good literature by reading a lot of foreign literature and literature of Islam. Then he realized that humans are given a real clue is the messenger of Allah, Muhammad Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam is maksum (clean) and theSiddiq (right) is the mainstay of human that can be used as a benchmark of truth in human live.The stories are romantic and full of lessons, the meanings are deep and full of wisdom is a great motivational material for mankind. Muhammad Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam died with great glory and victory and leave good memories, nor his companions radhiyallahu 'anhumma ajma'in. Finally he assured to write a book entitled "Nikmatilah Hidup Anda" (Enjoy Your Life).
This book is an excellent book to read. Motivation books with reference to the life of Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam and his companions radhiyallahu 'anhum and righteous people both living and dead. Books in Arabic (original text) entitled "Istamti 'bi hayatika; fununut ta'amul Ma'an fi nas zhillis shiratin dzikrayat aktsar min isyrin Sanah", a book and wonderfully soothing, translated by Yassir Reader Surabaya and translated by Arabic language experts is quite advanced.
In his book the author also gives examples of real in the life of the Messenger of Allah upon him blessings and righteous people, making it easy to be applied also in our lives. The language is easy to understand and be understood both from the intellectual and layman. The book is practical, but full of motivation, is perfect for a hungry heart and want a lifestyle change in him, from a happy smile frown so cheap, with the obvious anger into patience. Surely this is through a process of training that is not instant and constant and continuous, such as what is quoted in the book by Ibn Qudammah Minhajjul Qashiddin, DR. Muhammad ibn Abdurrahman al-Arifi also stressed the same thing.
This book is also an important reference in the science of Islamic psychology, because it is not about the things that are theoretical but also practical. So perfect for your personal, family environment, schools and universities in teaching and learning to interact with the wider community. So this book is a means of learning for art along with other people and self-motivation for us who can not change our lifestyle which is less commendable.
This book is much we can get in the shops nearby Islamic book, the price is also affordable. So let us make it a habit to read books that are educational and build in order to form strong mentally and intellectually sharp. There is a saying in English that is taken from a paper organization at the University, the "Charge of Your Brain", then we would add, "Charge Your Brain with Books and with The Good Teacher".
A good book is a book that refers to the ultimate truth (Al-Qur'an and Sunnah), then the real facts and valid information. The good teacher is a righteous teacher, clever and noble. Insha Allah if we combine the two components that will become a figure walking towards the destination point with a lantern that will never be extinguished. There is a saying that the book is a faithful friend, continues to give to anyone who read it and he will never want tuk be rewarded by him. Praise be to Allah who has created man to be able to read and write and create a lot of scholars who print volumes as deepen our friends in a small portion of His knowledge.
Allahumma shali 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa sahabihi wasallam
Ahad, 16 Dzulqa'dah 1431 H (24 October 2010)
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